Dorward House Montrose logo

Events and Activities

The inspector saw evidence of lots of choices being offered to residents. Not only for things like food and activities but for individual choices such as, wishing to paint or just be quiet and have a snooze in the afternoon.’

Care Inspectorate Report 2020

A sailor visiting in his uniform. Having tea with a resident
80th birthday party with cake and balloons
Easter Egg hunt with three children dressed as easter bunnies

We are proud of the number and range of activities on offer at Dorward House.

  • musical concerts
  • seated exercise classes
  • crafts
  • baking
  • gardening
  • trishaw
  • weekly religious service
  • minibus trips
  • Wednesday family coffee afternoon
  • visits by crew of HMS Montrose
  • visits by school children and youth groups
  • Summer Prom in the Garden
  • hand massage
  • manicures
  • pop-up pub
  • Easter egg hunt
  • quizzes
  • bingo
  • puzzles

We do our best to support you in continuing any hobby or pastime that you enjoyed at home.

Resident wearing a face mask and holding a certificate which reads she has won the face mask competition

Yes, I have been out in the trishaw. It was great fun and I am looking forward to another go’

Care Inspectorate Report 2020

Our Trishaw

A couple on the trishaw, her head is resting on his shoulder
Two residents on the trishaw, a beautiful sunny day on a beach promenade

The purchase of the trishaw was a staff led initiative, with fundraising beginning in August 2018. Over £10,000 was raised by November. The enthusiasm shown by staff shows the high level of morale, unity, energy and leadership within the team. After a competition for residents and staff, the trishaw was named Daisy Bell.

The trishaw was sourced from Cycling Without Age, an international organisation which fosters activity for the elderly and caring and volunteering within the community.

Apart from fundraising, the recruitment and training of pilots, insurance matters, ongoing maintenance and servicing, risk assessments, identification of routes and the installation of a storage shed were some of the multitude of tasks involved for Joint Chapter Captains, Lavine McMaster (Depute Manager) and Fiona Grant (Administrative Officer). Bruce’s Cycle Bothy has very kindly offered not to charge for labour in maintenance and servicing required.

This brings endless benefits for residents - fresh air, reminiscences, social interaction, connection with the local area and feeling the wind in your hair. It also continues the positive collaboration between residents, staff, families and friends, and the local Montrose community. Also, a big thank you to all our pilots.

Cycling Without Age logo

‘ The inspector spoke to many residents, all of whom, had at one time or another, been on a trip on the trishaw. They all reported that it was great fun’

Care Inspectorate Report 2020

A sailor visiting in his uniform. Having tea with a resident
Easter Egg hunt with three children dressed as easter bunnies
80th birthday party with cake and balloons
Resident wearing a face mask and holding a certificate which reads she has won the face mask competition
A couple on the trishaw, her head is resting on his shoulder
Two residents on the trishaw, a beautiful sunny day on a beach promenade
Cycling Without Age logo
A sailor visiting in his uniform. Having tea with a resident
Easter Egg hunt with three children dressed as easter bunnies
80th birthday party with cake and balloons
Resident wearing a face mask and holding a certificate which reads she has won the face mask competition
A couple on the trishaw, her head is resting on his shoulder
Two residents on the trishaw, a beautiful sunny day on a beach promenade
Cycling Without Age logo
Dorward House Montrose logo
A sailor visiting in his uniform. Having tea with a resident
Easter Egg hunt with three children dressed as easter bunnies
80th birthday party with cake and balloons
Resident wearing a face mask and holding a certificate which reads she has won the face mask competition
A couple on the trishaw, her head is resting on his shoulder
Two residents on the trishaw, a beautiful sunny day on a beach promenade
Cycling Without Age logo